10 Promotional Content Ideas for Your Next Newsletter

Creating a great newsletter is important because it is one of the primary ways that you communicate with your customers and also recruit new potential business. It’s also how you are likely going to stay in touch with your audience and communicate with them for several months or years to come. With all of that in mind, it’s always important to use your newsletter as a way to provide value … Continue Reading

OptinMonster vs. Sumo vs. Popup Domination: Which is Best?

Are you looking for a way to improve your email marketing campaigns? How about using some of the best online email marketing tools to instantly improve conversions and daily signups? There are several tools out there to help you accomplish this. In this post, we outline three of the major popup window tools that you can use to improve on your email marketing campaigns. Customer Acquisition Do you effectively use your email … Continue Reading

Email Marketing Best Practices: 7 Tips from the Experts

Email marketing is still considered one of the most efficient ways to market your brand with your potential customers. The statistics show that email marketing pays off more than any other type of marketing technique. You can start a newsletter and send it through email or just write your message within your email body and distribute it to your customers that way. Whatever you choose to do, there are some … Continue Reading

7 Key Factors to Finding Success with Email Marketing

How are your latest email marketing campaigns performing? Are you regularly sending out email messages to your leads, customers, and followers to tell them about discounts, new events, and sales? If you are, you might be “doing” email marketing correctly… but that doesn’t mean you are getting the best results possible. Email marketing is still one of the most important single things you can do to increase your clicks, conversions, … Continue Reading

8 Case Studies on How to Create Winning Email Subject Lines

Do you find it difficult to come up with winning email subject lines? The old saying, “You can’t read a book by the cover,” is somewhat of a misnomer. You can indeed learn a lot about a book or at least what a book is supposed to represent, by the cover. On Amazon Kindle and other eBook publishing sites, people make their decision primarily because of the cover and the … Continue Reading

10 Reference Guides on How to Avoid Email Spam Filters

Are you a business owner who is having trouble getting past the spam filters of your customers’ emails? As long as you do things legally, there are some good tips you can follow that will enable you to get past the spam filters and get your message to your target audience. One such example is to actively clean your mailing list, and to also stay away from keywords that are … Continue Reading

10 Case Studies and Guides on Email & Website A/B Split Testing

Of all the different things you can do with email marketing, A/B split testing has to be one of the most important. When sending out thousands (or even millions) of email, the smallest swing of a percentage can result in thousands of leads or dollars in revenue. That is why it’s extremely important to always be testing your conversions, titles and ad copy. The same also holds true for websites, … Continue Reading

Sean Si – Email Marketing Expert Interview

Email marketing is a lot like SEO, in the fact that both cater to their audience based on what they are looking for. When someone subscribes to your mailing list or newsletter, there is a very good chance they are interested in what you have to say or offer. At the same time, keywords in Google and SEO offer the same value — delivering specific results based on what someone … Continue Reading

9 Tips for Cleaning Your Mailing List and Increasing Engagement

Do you find your mailing list to be more than you can handle? Is it full of old email addresses that just bounce back when you send out business announcements? The productivity and engagement level of your mailing list are two of the main factors when trying to determine the actual value and ROI associated with your list building and email marketing efforts. If you have dead email links and bounce … Continue Reading

10 Case Studies and Guides on How to Create an Email Sales Funnels

Building an email list is great, but if you aren’t actively funneling your subscribers into different mailing lists and sales funnels… you are missing out big time! If you already have a sales funnel in place, excellent! If not, you will definitely want to have one set up after reading through these excellent case studies and user guides. To get things started… How do you create your email sales funnel? … Continue Reading