Why Hire a Third Party Marketing Team for Email Marketing

The role of marketing, especially email marketing, has been growing greatly in recent years. An effective email marketing strategy now accounts for more leads, more sales, more effectiveness, and more productivity. However, marketing teams are still hampered by limited resources, small budgets, and inadequate training. If a company chooses to maintain all its marketing efforts in-house, it can spend its entire budget on marketing efforts and still not have all the expertise needed. It is something that any company interested in growth needs to think about critically.

The good news is that there are now more options for outsourcing and automating your email marketing efforts than ever before. This includes everything from list building, lead generation, campaign tracking, email delivery and performance and much more. All of which can be managed or handed off to individual online solutions, or even full email management teams.

With so many opportunities for growth, automation, and tracking now in play, it’s important for everyone online brand or business to understand why a third party marketing team or agency might be best for them — which is exactly what we are going to be covering in this article.

Why a Third Party Marketing Team is What You Need

If you want to boost your marketing efforts, a third party marketing team or email marketing and management agency can prove to be quite effective. If you have an existing in-house team, a third party marketing team can help to boost those efforts. If you do not have a budget for an in-house team, the third party marketing team could serve as your marketing team. Here are some of the reasons you should hiring an outside company to better manage your email marketing and list building efforts.

1. It Helps You to Stay Relevant

An email marketing team is better equipped to stay updated on the latest trend in digital marketing. It is part of their job, and they have the resource to concentrate on it. If an agency is not able to stay updated on the latest marketing trends, it will quickly become irrelevant. While most of your efforts will undoubtedly be on the health of your company, a digital marketing agency will concentrate on discovering the latest marketing trend and helping you to get on them.

2. It Helps to Manage Costs

Fixed costs use up a huge chunk of any company’s budget. Systems, people, and facilities are what use up a huge amount of the internal marketing budget at most firms. However, a marketing firm can do all that at a fraction of the price.

The main advantage of a marketing firm is that you do not need to deal with full-time salaries, benefits, and other overhead costs for the employees. When you get a good agency, the team will offer you all the tactical, technological, and strategic skills that you need to grow your brand or sell products.

By outsourcing marketing efforts, not only will you save money on overhead costs, but you will also save money on direct purchases such as advertising, designing marketing graphics, and much more. By utilizing their suppliers, a company can save 30% or more on their marketing efforts. Not only will you be saving money but you will also be getting access to a full team with all the expertise.

3. You Will Access the Latest Email Marketing Technology

Most in-house marketing teams usually lack access to the technological resources they require for effective marketing efforts. It is either that or they will have an assortment of technologies that are incompatible. There are thousands of marketing technologies out there, and a small marketing department may not know which one they should pick.

It is especially so when you consider that most of these departments are lumped up with the IT department, where they are usually at the bottom of the priority list. However, a third party marketing team has the resources and expertise to find and use the best technologies out there. In some cases, they will even have developed their own proprietary technological tools.

These tools help to increase the efficiency and productivity of email marketing. There are tools out there that are free, but they have limited capabilities. A third party team will help you access premium services and analytical software to get the best results. Besides that, even when a marketing department can access these tools, they may not have the required expertise and experience to make full use of them.

4. A Marketing Agency Can Help to Boost the Efficiency of Your Team

Some companies will try to avoid third party teams by getting the in-house team to pick up the slack. The result is that the already burdened team is now given extra work and expected to produce stellar results. This increases the chances of a burnout, which reduces their effectiveness over time.

This will cause your marketing efforts to lack effectiveness and consistency even if you spend more money on training. However, if you outsource, the in-house team will be able to maintain its momentum on existing projects. Besides that, if any member of the team were to leave, they would take the tribal knowledge with them, and you would have to start all over. That is unlikely to happen if you outsource your marketing efforts.

5. They Help With Compliance

As concerns about privacy continue to grow, legislators react by creating new laws. An in-house team may not be able to keep up with all the changes in legislation. You could thus find huge fines being imposed on your company, which could make it hard for you to compete. However, a third party team will take on all the legal liability of a marketing campaign. They also have extensive knowledge on how to avoid legal restrictions, which can help you avoid problems. Such compliance issues can also help with the process of avoiding the spam folder with bulk email delivery.

6. You Do Not Have to Incur Training Costs

A marketing department’s main goal is to drive leads, increase traffic to the site, and grow an email subscription list. However, they often lack the technology, knowledge, and skills required to do that.

As marketing has become more important to the success of companies, most marketing leaders today feel that their in-house team lacks the right combination of skills. As a result, this hampers how effectively they can work and deliver results.

A dedicated third-party marketing team will usually have the right skills to drive a highly efficient campaign that delivers the right results. Besides that, it means you will not have to incur any costs to train the team on how to deliver these results. The marketing agency will be responsible for all the training, and you will only reap the benefits.

7. Scaling Marketing Efforts is Easy

When things get tough, most companies usually react by cutting costs. In most cases, the marketing department is the first target. This is usually the case in both small and big companies where marketing departments are seen as a discretionary expense.

However, the cost of reducing the marketing department’s budget is quite high. In the long-term, cutting costs and erosion of the knowledge base of the marketing team can prove quite expensive.

However, scaling operation up or down with a third party team is quite cheap. As the company grows and it requires boosting its marketing efforts, it only needs to pay a small amount to the agency. They also do not have to incur costs associated with hiring and advertising for the jobs. All they need to do is make a phone call or send an email. With that, they can scale marketing efforts up or down overnight.

8. You Benefit From a New Perspective

An in-house marketing department can lose sight of the bigger picture quite easily. They are so bogged down in the day-to-day activities of the company that they may lose focus of where they need to be. Besides that, some of the employees may be afraid to express new and unorthodox ideas for fear of losing their jobs.

Sometimes the in-house teams end up looking so closely at the business that they may not see when things start to go wrong. Even though they may understand how the business works inside and out, they still have a biased view of it.

To understand how to tweak your email marketing efforts, you would need to step back and view the business from an objective point of view. The best way to achieve this is to have an external team that comes in with an unbiased view except the desire to help you succeed.

Whether it is designing, planning, or copyrighting new material, the outsourced team will have the advantage of variety and experience on its side. You can utilize their years of experience helping companies similar to yours to succeed.

AfterOffers Wants to Double Your Mailing List Size!

Email marketing and list building are two of the most important components for every online business, however, it’s also one that many people or brands don’t want to simply hand off to someone else to manage. AfterOffers was created with not only the end consumer in mind, but also our clients and site partners as well. We can deliver fresh new opt-in leads to your business and mailing list on a daily basis, without ever needing to fully manage or take control over your existing accounts. All lead generation and data transfers can be done in real time and sent directly to your existing list hosting company.

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced partner for your email list building efforts, you should talk to us. We have helped many before, and we can do it for you. Contact us today to begin utilizing our services.

