3 Must-Have Components for Building a Strong Brand Online

The brand of your business is going to play a pivotal role in the ultimate success you are going to have on the internet. Yes, anyone can create a website and start a content-based business, but only few will survive. In fact, with more than a billion active websites and blogs on the internet today, the importance of creating a trusted and well-known brand is key to standing out from the crowd and winning over new customers.

If you really want to start a business on the right track, you need to have a few things prepared and ready to go before launching. While some of these might seem basic, they are going to play an extremely important role in the overall branding of your business, while also likely influencing your brand’s potential success, reach and customer loyalty for years to come.

Today we are going to take a look at three different ways to prepare for the launch of your business and further increase your chances of online business and branding success. Each of the tools below is going to help you with this process and can still be used if you’ve already lost your friend today.

Picking a Great Domain for Your Brand

One of the most important things you are going to need to decide on when creating an online business or brand is your domain name. With nearly every generic domain name already being taken, it will probably take you some time to search for a good one. We highly recommend that you stick with a .com, .net or a .org domain TLD. There are other TLDs available but most people are familiar and trust the three generic domain names mentioned.

When it comes to registering your domain name, it’s important to understand what to search for — otherwise, you could be searching all day and just keep finding names that are already taken. In addition to sticking with any of the three major TLDs, you will also want to make sure it’s easy to spell and remember. You should also stay away from numbers and attempt to get too fancy with your name. The last thing you want is for your audience to forget the name of your site or having to spell it out whenever you tell someone about it.

If all else fails, and you can’t find a domain name available to match your business, you can explore your options with purchasing a premium domain name, using a domain expiration service, or hire a broker to try and purchase the domain name from another website or brand. No matter what route you take, just make sure you are 100% happy with your domain name before launching your site or online business.

Having a Killer Logo Design for Your Brand Identity

If you look at the most successful brands in the world today, one thing that they all have in common is that they have a great logo design that represents their brand. Some of the most well-known brands in the world today even have logos that don’t have their names written out on it. Starbucks, Target, and Apple to name a few.

A great logo design is something that every brand needs to have and if you don’t already have a logo design in place, we have a great logo maker that can help you in this process. Through the use of its advanced artificial intelligence technology and logo design expertise, Designhill has created this tool to make it easy for anyone to find a winning logo for their business and brand.

Upon entering the site, you will enter your business name, choose a few design styles (like the ones below), pick your color theme, and then let the AI-based design marker do its work.

Once you go through the process and fill in your details, while also selecting a few customization features, Designhill will then spit out a few designs for you to choose from. The option is there to edit or download the logos as well. Once you find a design that you are happy with, you can download it and get a high-quality version of the logo for an affordable price.

There are many benefits to using a tool like Designhill when creating a logo for your brand, such as minimizing costs, having a completed logo design within minutes, and also having a virtually endless supply of draft designs to go through. Don’t forget to use your logo design on your site, social profiles, business cards, and even print it out on t-shirts and stationary.

Securing Your Brand Name on All Social Platforms

The common theme so far has been how to create a professional name and brand for your business. Now it’s time to also secure that name across as many social platforms as possible. Just like a domain name, the name that you select should be unique and if it’s available, hopefully, the same can be said about its username on top social platforms. You can see this in action on out Twitter profile page, where we use @AfterOffers as our brand and username.

Registering your brand on the top social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram should be easy and can be done in a matter of minutes. However, if you want to secure that name across hundreds of social platforms, that won’t be the case. Instead, explore your options with saving some time and putting a few dollars to good use by outsourcing the process and using social username tools to find the best names available.

That is exactly what you will find at Know’em, which is a free online tool that will show you the availability of your username on various social networking platforms. For a fee, they will actually register and set up accounts across all social platforms for your requested name.

Just like a domain name, once a social profile is registered, it’s usually gone for good. Many of the world’s top brands and celebrities have missed out on securing their names on both domains and social media and still have yet to obtain them today. Make sure you protect your business and brand name by registering it across all platforms possible — even if you don’t plan on using them.

The Power of Your Business Brand and Email Marketing

As you can see, there are plenty of things to consider when building an online business and brand. Many of the options discussed above should be thought out and acted upon before launching your brand. If you already have a live site and brand, don’t worry — you can still register it on any social platforms you may have missed, and it’s always a good time to consider new options for a brand logo design.

Having a great domain name, a brand identity to go along with it, and social profiles registered across multiple platforms are all great ways to further protect and brand your business online. Entrepreneurs of all sizes know this, many just forget to take action and secure them before it’s too late.

At the same time, if you aren’t currently taking advantage of email marketing and getting new subscribers on to your mailing list, right now is the best time to get started. Contact us today to learn more about how to increase the size of your mailing list, and how we can deliver hundreds of 100% opt-in email leads to you on a daily basis.

